NeuroBiology Reprogramming™
Full Practitioner Program
Foundational Course for Teachers
Learn to Free & Empower Yourself

Designed for busy people who want to:
Regain or develop a sense of fulfilment
Learn to turn adversity to advantage & possibilities into opportunities
Develop or regain mental-emotional independence, freedom & resilience
Learn how to clear repetitive fear-based thinking, negative anticipation and daily worry to make room for enjoyment, as well as innovative and inspired thinking
Create new grounds in your personal & professional life
PART 1: Active Mindfulness - 4 weeks
PART 2: Freedom from Mental programming - 6 weeks
EXTRAORDINARY POTENTIAL is available to you and it begins right within your mind.
To put it simply, you can either learn how to regain control of your mind, or it is controlling you. Right now, it may be causing you pain and suffering by replaying the same scenarios endlessly, and restricting access to your inherent potential.
Whether you need to let go of something in the past, you want to regain fulfilment, learn to access peace of mind or develop the internal resources you need to actualize your plans and experience your heart's desire, all of it begins within you. All of it begins in your mind.
PERHAPS ADVERSITY has knocked on your door in such a way that it has become impossible for you to ignore the changes that you know you need to make.
OR YOU MAY HAVE TRIED to change external circumstances (partners, jobs, etc.) in the hope of feeling better or more fulfilled, only to find out that this didn't produced the anticipated results.
YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT in order to get different results, you need to do something different, and I am pleased to confirm that this is precisely what you will learn through this course, if you decide this is for you. Please enjoy the intro webinar, and I wholeheartedly welcome you here.

NBR™ Fundamentals - Modules 1-4 - The basis of self-realisation
Active Mindfulness
4 modules focused on extending the practice of mindfulness to your daily life
Week 1: Learn a simple Master Tool (BBC tool 1) to regain instant resourcefulness & turn daily adversity to your own advantage, useful at home and at work.
Week 2: Adapt your practice to your personal life so it is integrated and can therefore be used as you go about your busy day. Daily practice makes permanent.
Week 3: Learn Master Tool 2 (BBME) to free yourself free from the mental-emotional tyrannical merry-go-around. Regain self-confidence, self-trust as you learn to live from your Inner Being, source of calm, wisdom and potential.
Week 4: Become a wilful & conscious time-traveller so you can stay connected to the now moment, preparing the ground to begin clearing mental programming and unwanted hereditary lineage. (NBR™ part 2)
Scroll down at this page for FAQs and scroll down at the home page for review

NBR™ Fundamentals Part1

NBR™ Fundamentals Part 2
The practice is designed to:
- Set yourself free from recent or long-term mental-emotional patterns / habits / fears
- Help you regain (or increase) inner trust, self-confidence, self-esteem
- Allow to enjoy the first two steps you already learned, a sense of peace and calm, and to make room for inspired living.
Week 5 - The Mental Body Part 1: Learn how the mind works and prepare to become bio-congruent between thoughts, feelings and outcomes.
Week 6 - Mental Body Part 2: Clearing of old fear-based programs + meditation.
Week 7 - Emotional Body Part 1: Learn the functions and uses of emotions.
Week 8 - Emotional Body Part 2: Identify your emotional 'default setting' to gain emotional independence / resilience & freedom.
Week 9 - Physical Body / Environment and Results. The application of the full NBR™ practice to your personal and professional endeavours.
Week 10 - Human Leadership: Communication & application of NBR™ for self-leadership, developing your innate capacity to follow inner guidance and access inspiration.
Scroll down at this page for FAQs
and scroll down at the home page for review