with Mahayana
A 3-month self-Realization support program based on 30+ years' of experience
Understand how you function [Know Thyself] so you can regain autonomy & self-empowerment
Learn how to connect to your source of peace and wellbeing, at will
Learn to delete repeating mental programming to free yourself and pave a new way for yourself

Quick test...
What is not going as well as you would like it to in your life right now?
Right there... is the point of entry. An opportunity disguised as a challenge, a problem or perhaps even a symptom. In truth, all is well, and you are on the way to breaking through it.
Whatever is going on for you right now has summoned your attention and driven you to read these words, so I wholeheartedly welcome you!
Truth is that it is your Inner Being calling, the Source within you also known as your Wiser Self (or your Inner Being as it is named in Ekstasis), is striving to be acknowledged, and to be included in your daily life, so there is no longer any difference between your spiritual and 'mundane' life).
Your Inner Being can light up your path, illuminate the steps you need to take to come back into alignment with your innermost source of well-being and fulfilment.
It can also help you to access your natural talents, and increase your capacity to love and be loved.
This call is your chance to reconnect
with your true self and create
the life / the experiences you would like to enjoy.
If this speaks to you, I invite you to reach out for a free call. Mahayana

What will you get & how does it work?
We begin your Mentorship with a 2-hour VIP session during which we explore an extensive questionnaire you will have filled in. We create a map for our next 3 months together based on your chose area of work.
We meet weekly on zoom for your mentoring sessions, and you are free to choose the topics or angles you wish to discuss. From experience, whether it is a personal or professional matter, both are intrinsically connected, and can therefore both benefit.
You receive access to an online course - NeuroBiology Reprogramming™ (10 modules - lifelong replay) More information here.
One subconscious imprint clearing session - recorded for your to keep. The great news is that it works each time you listen to it. This is because you are a new person each day, more present, holding less mental programming as you learn to set yourself free.
As a VIP client, you have direct email access to me when you feel stuck or need some timely support or guidance, especially if events and situations are shifting rapidly. ​
A complimentary session 6-9 weeks post Mentorship to ensure your ongoing progress.
The Mentorship is a serious undertaking, requiring your full commitment
The self-realization practice and exercises given are the product of 30+ years of experience. They are well-tried, and will yield profound shifts in consciousness with your openness and willingness to practice.
The same materials have been taught locally as well as around the world, online and in person, in businesses (small and large, including corporations), colleges, weekend groups and of course, with individuals such as yourself.
During our initial call (FREE), we will have a candid conversation to make sure that we can work with each other.
Please note that the preliminary conversation doesn't engage either of us. No hard feelings if we are not a match! ;-)
Feel free to browse reviews below and at the home page and avail of feel products here. Thank you.
(more reviews at the home page)

Je ne pouvais rêver meilleur mentor que Mahayana; j'ai énormément apprécié son travail que je trouve sincère, précis et fiable. Nos échanges m'ont plus qu'apportée, le support matériel très intuitif, facile à assimiler et surtout, très naturellement adaptable à la vie de tous les jours. Ce qui au départ était un mentorat professionnel a laissé place à un travail plus personnel ce qui m'a énormément aidée, en tant qu'auto entrepreneuse (et maman!). Ce travail de fond m'a ouvert l'esprit et calmé mes angoisses latentes, qui ne sont plus. C'est un réel enrichissement et développement personnel, une re-connexion avec moi-même. MERCI Mahayana!
Peggy Picano-Nacci - CEO Boutiquologie Ltd - London
Grâce au travail fait avec Mahayana, j’ai retrouvé ma joie de vivre, la pleine conscience et la plénitude dans la vie de famille avec ma femme et mes enfants.
J’ai aussi pu reprendre contrôle de mes pensées, et avec ceci faire de nouveaux choix et donc créer les résultats que je voulais. Merveilleux pour vie de famille et vie professionnelle ! Merci Mahayana
Patrick AM - Business Owner - Paris

J'ai rencontré Mahayana à un moment où ma vie était dans une impasse ; j'étais seul, sans projet, et à presque soixante ans j'avais l'impression de ne plus avoir d'avenir.
Alors je me suis lancé dans le "Mentorat 3-mois’’ en me disant que je n'avais rien à perdre.
En quelques séances avec Mahayana, j'ai retrouvé de la confiance en moi, de la joie. Le désir d'avancer.
Surtout, avec l'aide de la méditation, une porte s'est ouverte dans la compréhension de mon moi intérieur, et tout un nouvel univers à explorer.
Grace à une progression pas-à-pas vers un meilleur contrôle de mes émotions, vers davantage de bien-être, et une meilleure écoute de l'autre, j’ai aujourd'hui le sentiment d'être encore jeune et de pouvoir réaliser beaucoup de choses.
JD Dor - France

I was shocked to find out that I have carried ideas and beliefs my whole life that were not mine AND on top that were holding up the very things I wanted! I feel much free-er!
Within days of working with Mahayana, many things begun moving faster. I was already doing great but my income tripled in less than three months.
I also feel that I am much better equipped to make my new relationship a 'keeper' as I can now see what has been replicating my whole life. This is serious work, fun and powerful, I am glad I found it. Cheers!
Marc Gibson - UK Entrepreneur - Investor
“I started the mentorship program with the expectation of finding some direction with my life. The program provided a whole new way of perceiving my reality, a whole new way of connecting with my inner source, and channeling the boundless opportunities that exist within. With Mahayana’s kind and generous guidance, I not only have some direction, but a whole new map of infinite possibilities. I am truly grateful to have had the experience. My life is, and is going to be, exponentially more fulfilling, enriched and engaging for having had the experience.”
Adrian Murrell – IT developer - London

Desde hace muchos años he buscado "el método más sencillo" para cambiar mi vida, un método que no requiriera horas y horas de trabajo interno y que pudiera llevarlo a cabo sin aislarme del mundo. Con el programa que Mahayana ha creado lo he encontrado. Mahayana me ha acompañado en el día a día, sin descanso para superar los obstáculos que iban apareciendo en el camino. Ha sido un apoyo de gran ayuda para mi recuperación en un problema de salud física y sobretodo de salud mental, alejando miedos y creencias erróneas sobre mi misma. Me ha ayudado a conocerme mejor, a empoderarme, a tener más confianza en mi misma. Le estoy eternamente agradecida por su paciencia y su apoyo en estos meses.
Maria Fermina Sand De Diego